carpet recycling uk network event

Sustainable Design Summit Announces Partnership with Carpet Recycling UK

Sustainable Design Summit (SDS) is pleased to announce its partnership with Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK). This partnership extends across SDS and Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Europe. Carpet Recycling UK is an independent not-for-profit membership association working with the UK supply chain for carpet and textile flooring. They help foster strategic collaborations and networking to develop viable solutions for all types of carpet and other textile flooring waste.

Since its formation in 2007, CRUK has become the UK industry leader and go-to body on sustainability matters for the carpet and textile flooring sector. CRUK provides information and support on waste minimisation, design for the circular economy and outlets for the reuse, recycling and treatment of carpet and textile flooring waste.

CRUK works with over 80% of the UK’s carpet and textile flooring manufacturers and distributors. This puts CRUK in a strong position to represent the sector in discussions and when lobbying for favourable environmental and sustainability policies and legislation.

Creating more sustainable solutions for carpets and textile flooring

Carpet Recycling UK’s 138-strong membership includes specialists repurposing surplus flooring for reuse and recycling in feasible outlets, or to be used as an alternative fuel source. CRUK’s aim is to move carpet and textile flooring up the waste hierarchy. They seek to create circularity to maximise the use of these resources. This will ultimately prevent these materials from becoming a waste by reusing flooring in new applications.

Carpet Recycling UK’s Core Members

CRUK’s Core Members are key industry players who are ahead of the game and taking voluntary producer responsibility. They recognise that a producer’s responsibility towards the product at the end of its first life is essential for building a sustainable future.

The core members are strategic supporters of Carpet Recycling UK. Together, they work to disseminate the latest information to and represent the carpet industry in the UK and international marketplace. 

Through CRUK, the sector is becoming more aware of the Circular Economy. Companies are helping their clients with producing sustainable product ranges. They are also developing opportunities for segregating waste streams into reuse, recycling and treatment processes.

Want more of this?

Eager to learn more about sustainable design and spark climate change? Sustainable Design Summit provides a year-round global platform dedicated to making sustainable choices easier for interior designers working in the hospitality travel interiors sectors. Find out about the next event here.

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