Product Showcase Artwork Submission

Artwork Deadline: Monday 28 October

You can create your own artwork to help display your product at the showcase; this can include graphics, text, images and logos. Please have a look at some of the examples of podium displays from last year’s SDS to give a feel of how your display will look. We recommend including a QR Code in your artwork to provide more information about your product to make it easier for the viewer. If you are unsure of how to do this please reach out.

Before uploading your artwork, please read the specifications below:

  • All artwork should be supplied in print-ready, high-resolution (300dpi) PDF files with no crop, print or registration marks of any kind.
  • Each panel must be a separate PDF file and named according to which panel it is and your company name. Using the format: COMPANYNAME-PANEL(TOP/FRONT/1/2)
  • Artwork files must be designed to one of the following proportions in relation to the final panel size: 100%/50%/25%.
  • PDF Files should have a 3mm bleed settings embedded within the file/s. Artwork should continue right to the edge of the bleed bounding box. There should be no white space in the file beyond the bleed area (unless the artwork design requires this).

Artwork Upload Form

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